Digital Tools for Improving Quality of Care for Children

octobre 4, 2022 - octobre 4, 2022

The Digital Health and Innovations and Quality of Care subgroups of the Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar presenting some examples of digital health tools to improve quality of care for children, women and communities. During the webinar, UNICEF shared the Digital Health Centre of Excellence (DICE), a mechanism to deliver agile and coordinated technical assistance to governments on digital health solutions. UNICEF Tanzania then discussed Mama na Mwana, a digital client feedback mechanism that captures mothers’ experiences of care linked to score cards in DHIS-2 for use in evidence-based decision making, quality improvement and enhanced social accountability at all levels of the health system. Lastly, Pathfinder Mozambique presented a health facility focused intervention, a mentorship app for health providers and supervisors to improve the quality of family planning services.


  • Sean Blaschke, Senior Health Specialist, Global Coordinator, Digital Health Centre of Excellence (DICE)
  • Ulrika Baker, Health Manager, Primary Health Care, UNICEF Tanzania
  • Noberto Banze, Senior MEL Manager, Pathfinder Mozambique

View recording and presentations slides (including the French version) below.