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The Child Health Task Force is currently comprised of more than 8,000 individuals based in over 160 countries from over 900 organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, multilaterals, bilaterals, and academic institutions, as well as individual consultants. The map below shows the countries where Task Force members are based, colored in purple.

Member Organizations
East Africa Centre for Vaccines and Immunization (ECAVI)
East Africa Medical Assistance Foundation
East Tennessee State University
Ebukuya Special School
Edge Global Development Partners
Eleanor Crook Foundation
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
Emory University
Engineering for Change (E4C)
Episcopal Relief & Development
Equalize Health
Ethiopia Public Health Institute
Ethiopian Pediatrics Society
Every Breath Counts Coalition
E-Abena Closet, US-IREX,DFI and Leaders of Africa Institute
Early Childhood Commission
East Africa Centre for Vaccines and Immunization-ECAVI
Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique
Education for All Coalition
Educo Bangladesh
Egis India
Emory University School of Medicine
Equity Afia Medical Centre Kisii
Ethiopian Public Health institute
Ethiopian School Readiness Initiative
Expectation State