Multi-sectoral Approaches to Child Health: A discussion series

May 5, 2022 - September 20, 2022

The Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup is hosting a discussion series to learn about and collect case studies on effective multi-sectoral approaches to child health programming. The session focused on evidence gathered during a literature review of multi-sector projects. The second session shared two programmatic case studies: 1. The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Project in Honduras, and 2. Tiwalere II Project in Malawi. During the third session, subgroup members presented additional case studies focused on pastoralist communities: 1. Resilience in Pastoral Areas project in Ethiopia, and 2. The Ministry of Health Services and Sanitation in Turkana County, Kenya. The final session addressed what is needed to support implementation around multisectoral action moving forward. The discussion focused on governance as a guiding principle using lessons from BMJ series Governing multisectoral action for health in low- and middle-income countries. Watch the recordings and download the presentations below.

Session One: Sharing findings from a literature review of select multi-sectoral child health programs in Africa and Latin America - May 5, 2022

Session Two: Learning from case studies of multi-sectoral programming from Malawi and Honduras - June 8, 2022

Sessions 1 & 2 presenters:

  • Patricia Murray Gross, Independent Consultant, Child Health Task Force
  • Alfonso Rosales, Independent Consultant, Child Health Task Force

Session Three: Case studies from Ethiopia and Kenya presented by subgroup members - June 29, 2022


  • Rael Kukule Akoru, Principal Public Health Officer, Department of Health Services and Sanitation, Turkana County Government, Kenya
  • Ameha Tadesse, Country Director & Chief of Party, Feed the Future, Resilience in Pastoral Area (RIPA), Global Communities Ethiopia
  • Helina Tufa, RIPA Nutrition Team Lead, GOAL

Session Four: Wrap up and setting the agenda - September 20, 2022


  • Raoul Bermejo, Health Specialist, UNICEF 
  • Cara Endyke Doran, Senior Director, Health Team, Global Communities