Lessons from EquiPP adaptation in Madagascar and an introduction to the next generation of DHS care seeking briefs on child health

June 25, 2024 - June 25, 2024

This webinar will be co-hosted by the Private Sector Engagement (PSE) and Institutionalizing iCCM subgroups of the Child Health Task Force. It will build on findings and discussion of previous sessions hosted by the PSE subgroup. 

During a previous meeting, the PSE subgroup shared findings from the Enhancing Quality iCCM through Proprietary and Patent Medical Vendors (PPMV) and Partnerships (EQuiPP) approach, which showed how PPMV's can provide quality health services in the communities they serve. This webinar on June 25 will build on these prior learnings and further present on how to overcome challenges when rolling out and scaling up the EQuiPP Approach, as well as how to integrate other key interventions.

A team from Momentum Private Healthcare Delivery (MPHD) will share progress on the pilot of the curriculum in two regions of Madagascar, as well as how its work relates to the EQuiPP framework, how it is different, and some of the challenges and opportunities seen to date.

Colleagues from the USAID's Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage project will present and discuss the planned update of two SHOPS Plus child health tools: 

  • Private Sector Counts and
  • Child Health Care Seeking Country Briefs

After the presentation the audience will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the updated child health tools and ways to be involved in the update process.

Lastly, we will also seek inputs from webinar participants and discuss priorities for the PSE subgroup and suggest activities for the next 12 months.