Preventing Malnutrition in At-risk Children: ALIMA's Experience with Routine SQ-LNS in Niger

juin 27, 2022 - juin 27, 2022

The Nutrition subgroup of the Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar to learn from The Alliance for International Action (ALIMA) about their experience implementing a lifesaving intervention for at-risk, malnourished children.


Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) were designed to provide multiple micronutrients embedded in a food base that includes essential fatty acids and small amounts of energy and protein, targeted towards preventing malnutrition in vulnerable populations. The recent Lancet series reviewing interventions to address maternal and child malnutrition stated that the evidence in support of this intervention among at-risk children is strong. In fact, no other nutrition intervention has shown such significant, simultaneous impacts on childhood malnutrition as supplementation with SQ-LNS, including reductions in wasting, stunting, anemia, and mortality as well as improved developmental outcomes.

Since 2015, the international humanitarian medical aid organization ALIMA has conducted small scale SQ-LNS supplementation of children 6-23 months in some of the world’s worst malnutrition hotspots. This presentation shared operational lessons ALIMA learned in Niger, where SQ-LNS was delivered within a 1,000 Days program. The presenters then discussed some of the questions ALIMA is asking itself as it tries to go to a larger scale now that the evidence of SQ-LNS’ impact is well established.


  • Presenter: Kevin Phelan, Senior Nutrition Advisor, ALIMA
  • Moderators: Co-chairs of the Nutrition subgroup Akriti Singh (USAID Advancing Nutrition) and Oscar Cordon (Action Against Hunger)

Access the recording and presentation below.