
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

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Journal Article | English | 2022

Exploring system drivers of gender inequity in development assistance for health and opportunities for action

Gates Open Research journal article sharing findings from phase two of the Re-imagining Technical Assistance project with a focus on gender equity

Journal Article | English | 2022

Critical barriers to sustainable capacity strengthening in global health: a systems perspective on development assistance

Gates Open Research journal article sharing findings from phase two of the Re-imagining Technical Assistance project

Tool | English | 2022

Six System Syndromes: Systematic Barriers to Achieving the Gender Equity in Technical Assistance for Health

These syndromes were mapped as part of the two-phase Re-imagining Technical Assistance project. In the second phase, the Inter-agency Working Group (The Gates Foundation, USAID, and The World Bank) along with a diverse group of stakeholders from across 13 countries came together to explore and map how donor structures, processes, and norms pose challenges to achieving the critical shifts.

Six System Syndromes: Systematic Barriers to Achieving the Gender Equity in Technical Assistance for Health465.12 KB
Tool | English | 2022

Nine System Syndromes: Systematic Barriers to Achieving the Critical Shifts for Capacity Strengthening

These syndromes were mapped as part of the two-phase Re-imagining Technical Assistance project. In the second phase, the Inter-agency Working Group (The Gates Foundation, USAID, and The World Bank) along with a diverse group of stakeholders from across 13 countries came together to explore and map how donor structures, processes, and norms pose challenges to achieving the critical shifts. Based on these insights, we identified nine system syndromes which represent systemic barriers to achieving the critical shifts. 

Nine System Syndromes: Systematic Barriers to Achieving the Critical Shifts for Capacity Strengthening483.65 KB
Tool | English | 2022

The Principles Framework: 20 Principles for Good Technical Assistance

As part of the Re-imagining Technical Assistance project (2018-2021), co-creation teams in the DRC and Nigeria developed design principles for good technical TA, which were synthesized and organized into a framework of four domains of change. Each domain of change included a set of design principles that address underlying issues while recommending actions for change. During the second phase of this initiative, these principles were updated to leverage insights from the system mapping co-creation process.

The Principles Framework: 20 Principles for Good Technical Assistance153.83 KB
Presentation | English | 2022

Multi-sectoral Approaches Session 4 Presentation - September 20, 2022

Presentation slides from the final session of Multi-sectoral Approaches to Child Health discussion series hosted by the Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup.

Multi-sectoral Approaches Session 4 Presentation - September 20, 2022438.95 KB
Event Materials | English | 2022

Multi-sectoral Approaches Session 4 Recording - September 20, 2022

Recording of the final session in the Multi-sectoral Approaches to Child Health discussion series hosted by the Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup.

Event Materials | English | Tanzania | 2022

EECC Webinar Recording - Sept 14, 2022

Recording of the webinar co-hosted by the Implementation Science and Quality of Care subgroups on the Essential Emergency and Critical Care (EECC) approach.

Presentation | English | Tanzania | 2022

EECC Webinar Presentation (UNICEF, Muhimbili University, Ifakara Health Institute) - Sept 14, 2022

Presentation given during the webinar co-hosted by the Implementation Science and Quality of Care subgroups on the Essential Emergency and Critical Care (EECC) approach on September 14, 2022.

EECC Webinar Presentation (UNICEF, Muhimbili University, Ifakara Health Institute) - Sept 14, 20224.11 MB
Event Materials | English | Ethiopia | 2022

Integrating the Private Sector Session One Recording - September 8, 2022

Recording of session one of the webinar series co-hosted by the Private Sector Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality of Care subgroups, Integrating the Private Sector into National Child Health Programs and Reporting.

Event Materials | English | Ethiopia | 2022

Integrating the Private Sector Session One Presentation (EPHI & Merid) - September 8, 2022

Presentation given during the first session of the webinar series co-hosted by the Private Sector Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality of Care subgroups: Integrating the Private Sector into National Child Health Programs and Reporting. This session, on September 8, 2022, focused on lessons from Ethiopia in delivering quality child health services in private facilities and data reporting within national systems. Presenters included a private sector engagement consultant from CHS Advisory and the Ethiopia Public Health Institute.

Integrating the Private Sector Session One Presentation (EPHI & Merid) - September 8, 20225.49 MB
Event Materials | French | Senegal | 2022

Kawolor Senegal Webinar Recording - August 25, 2022

Recording of webinar hosted by the Nutrition subgroup sharing learnings from Kawolor project in Senegal on August 25, 2022.

Presentation | English | India | 2022

Manyata QoC & PSE Presentation (Ariadne Labs, Jhpiego India, MSD for Mothers) - August 23, 2022

Presentation given during webinar co-hosted by the QoC and PSE subgroups of the Child Health Task Force on August 23, 2022, Improving Quality of Newborn and Child Health Services in Private Facilities: Lessons from Manyata Project in India

Manyata QoC & PSE Presentation (Ariadne Labs, Jhpiego India, MSD for Mothers) - August 23, 20222.15 MB
Event Materials | English | India | 2022

Manyata Webinar Recording - August 23, 2022

Recording of webinar co-hosted by the QoC and PSE subgroups of the Child Health Task Force on August 23, 2022, Improving Quality of Newborn and Child Health Services in Private Facilities: Lessons from Manyata Project in India

Presentation | English | Senegal | 2022

Kawolor Senegal Nutrition Subgroup Presentation (Feed the Future) - August 25, 2022

English version of the slides presented during the webinar hosted by the Nutrition subgroup of the Child Health Task Force on August 25, 2022: Addressing Food Insecurity for Children through a Multisector Approach: Learning from Feed the Future Senegal Kawolor. 

Kawolor Senegal Nutrition Subgroup Presentation (Feed the Future) - August 25, 20222.17 MB
Tool | English | 2022

Mental Health Among School-Age Children & Adolescents

This infographic explores the importance of using schools as a platform to support the mental health of school-age children, and the three key areas where schools can play a critical role. This resource is intended for USAID Mission staff, including health and education officers, as well as implementing partners, ministries of health and education, donors, and school administrators for consideration during program planning and co-investing.

Infographic of Mental Health Among School-Age Children & Adolescents819.99 KB
Meeting Minutes | English | 2022

Steering Committee Meeting Report - June 15-16, 2022

Summary meeting minutes from the Child Health Task Force Steering Committee bi-annual meeting held virtually on June 15-16, 2022.

Steering Committee Meeting Report - June 15-16, 2022115.91 KB
Presentation | English | Kenya, Ethiopia | 2022

Multi-sectoral Approaches Session 3 Presentation (Turkana MOH, RIPA) - June 29, 2022

Presentation given by Ministry of Health Services and Sanitation in Turkana County, Kenya and the Resilience in Pastoral Area (RIPA) project implemented by Global Communities and GOAL. Subgroup members presented these case studies during the third session in the multi-sectoral approaches to child health series hosted by the Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup on June 29, 2022.

Multi-sectoral Approaches Session 3 Presentation (Turkana MOH, RIPA) - June 29, 20224.47 MB
Event Materials | English | Kenya, Ethiopia | 2022

Multi-sectoral Approaches Session 3 Recording - June 29, 2022

Recording of the third session in the multi-sectoral approaches to child health series hosted by the Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup on June 29, 2022. During this session, subgroup members presented two case studies, one from Ethiopia and the other from Turkana County, Kenya focused on multi-sectoral programming in pastoral communities.

Event Materials | French | Nigeria | 2022

L'enregistrement du webinaire de la Prévision - 28 juin, 2022

L'enregistrement du webinaire du sous-groupe sur les Produits de santé (du Groupe de travail sur la santé de l'enfant) sur la prévision des produits médicaux RMNCH, où nous avons entendu parler de l'USAID MTaPS au sujet de leur supplément de prévision SRMNI mis à jour.