
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

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Report | English | 2016

iCCM Implementation Under GF NFM: Program Implementation Documentation Protocol (iCCM FTT, 2016)

This protocol was developed by the iCCM Financing Task Team (FTT) in response to the Global Fund's New Funding Model (GF NFM). The protocol presents a framework that can be used to document early implementation of iCCM through the GF NFM. The target audience for this type of documentation includes country teams and global stakeholders.


iCCM Implementation Under GF NFM: Program Implementation Documentation Protocol (iCCM FTT, 2016)187.75 KB
Report | English | 2016

Recommendations from Mapping Global Leadership in Child Health (MCSP, 2016)

This brief discusses six recommendations from a larger report, "Mapping Global Leadership in Child Health." This report documents a 2015 study completed by USAID's MCSP to better understand both the evolution of child health as a global health issue since the year 2000 and its network of stakeholders and leaders.

Recommendations from Mapping Global Leadership in Child Health (MCSP, 2016)120.29 KB
Report | English | 2016

Towards a Grand Convergence for Child Survival and Health: Executive Summary (July 2016)

This resource is the Executive Summary to a larger report, "Towards a Grand Convergence for Child Survival and Health: A strategic review of options for the future building on lessons learnt from IMNCI." The Executive Summary highlights 18 key points from the strategic review and provides recommendations based on the five main problems impeding the achievement of child health goals and improved care for children that were identified in the report 

Towards a Grand Convergence for Child Survival and Health: Executive Summary (July 2016)790.7 KB
Event Materials | English | 2016

iCCM Resource Mobilization Concept Note (iCCM FTT, 2016) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

iCCM Resource Mobilization Concept Note (iCCM FTT, 2016) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016303.28 KB
Event Materials | English | 2016

Checklist for PSM Planning (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Checklist for PSM Planning (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016597.79 KB
Event Materials | French | 2016

Checklist for PSM Planning (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Checklist for PSM Planning (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016389.21 KB
Event Materials | English | 2016

Guide to iCCM PSM Planning for Global Fund Grants (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Guide to iCCM PSM Planning for Global Fund Grants (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016735.59 KB
Event Materials | French | 2016

Guide to iCCM PSM Planning for Global Fund Grants (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Guide to iCCM PSM Planning for Global Fund Grants (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016750.3 KB
Presentation | English | 2016

Procurement and Supply Management for iCCM: Common Challenges (J. Briggs, MSH) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Procurement and Supply Management for iCCM: Common Challenges (J. Briggs, MSH) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 20161013.92 KB
Presentation | English | Uganda | 2016

Integrated PSM for Effective iCCM Implementation: Uganda - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Integrated PSM for Effective iCCM Implementation: Uganda - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 20161.09 MB
Presentation | French | Burkina Faso | 2016

Integrated PSM for Effective iCCM Implementation: Burkina Faso - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Integrated PSM for Effective iCCM Implementation: Burkina Faso - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016495.49 KB
Presentation | English | Zambia | 2016

Integrated PSM for Effective iCCM Implementation: Zambia - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Integrated PSM for Effective iCCM Implementation: Zambia - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016417.05 KB
Presentation | English | 2016

Review of Integrated PSM Tools and Intro to Group Work (U. Chandon, iCCM FTT) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Review of Integrated PSM Tools and Intro to Group Work (U. Chandon, iCCM FTT) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 20161.6 MB
Event Materials | English | 2016

PSM Country Action Plan Template (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

PSM Country Action Plan Template (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 201610.38 KB
Event Materials | French | 2016

PSM Country Action Plan Template (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

PSM Country Action Plan Template (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 201610.45 KB
Event Materials | French | 2016

PSM Group Work Guidance (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

PSM Group Work Guidance (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016179.83 KB
Event Materials | English | 2016

PSM Group Work Guidance (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

PSM Group Work Guidance (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 201695.75 KB
Presentation | English | Ethiopia | 2016

Ethiopia's Experience on Strengthening CHIS - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Ethiopia's Experience on Strengthening CHIS - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016580.52 KB
Presentation | English | Niger | 2016

Integrating iCCM in NHIS Niger - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Presented at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Integrating iCCM in NHIS Niger - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016493.32 KB
Journal Article | 2016

Monitoring iCCM: A Feasibility Study (T. Roberton et al, Health Policy and Planning) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Monitoring iCCM: A Feasibility Study (T. Roberton et al, Health Policy and Planning) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016146.09 KB