WHA Agenda Item 11.7 calls for Acceleration towards the Sustainable Development Goals Target for maternal newborn and child
mortality (MNCH) by accelerated action and investment in equitable coverage of effective interventions, and quality of care in
order to meet our collective commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global Strategy for Women’s,
Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030) targets (see Figure 2). Unfortunately, women, stillborns, newborns and children
under-5 had larger survival gains from 2000 to 2015 compared to 2016-2022 (1,2,3). Globally, actions are needed to accelerate progress nine-fold to reduce maternal mortality, three-fold for stillbirths, four-fold for newborn mortality and four-fold for children aged 1-59 months (see Figure 1). The quality of health leadership can be defined by having the courage and vision to transform health systems to deliver quality MNCH care and improve access to health care for all women, including adolescent girls, newborns and children. This 2-page document outlines six actions to accelerate progress for MNCH care. This brief is written by and has images developed by ENAP EPMM and CSA. Design and layout was supported by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH).