
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

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Report | French | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 2020

Ré-imaginer l’appui technique en RDC :Feuille de route pour le changement

Examiner les interactions entre les différents acteurs de l’AT durant tout un cycle de vie d’une intervention nous aide à comprendre l’écosystème et à décomposer tous les problèmes et les goulots d’étranglement mis en évidence durant nos entrevues avec les acteurs de l’AT.

Re-imaginer l'AT en RDC - Document Technique Mars 2020.pdf5.97 MB
Presentation | English | Tanzania | 2020

Leveraging Private Health Sector to Address COVID-19 in Tanzania (S. Ogillo, APHFTA)

Presentation by Dr. Samwel Ogillo, CEO of the Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA), on their experience leveraging the private health sector in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation given on May 21, 2020 during the third Child Health Task Force webinar series, Child Health & COVID-19: Partner Collaboration During the Response.

Leveraging Private Health Sector to Address COVID-19 in Tanzania (S. Ogillo, APHFTA)705.92 KB
Presentation | Kenya | 2020

Engaging Professional Associations in COVID-19 Response (L. Oyiengo, Kenya MOH)

Presentation by Dr. Laura Oyiengo, Head - Neonatal and Child Health with the Kenya Ministry of Health, on the Kenya experience engaging the professional associations to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic effects on children. Presentation given on May 21, 2020 during the third Child Health Task Force webinar series, Child Health & COVID-19: Partner Collaboration During the Response.

Engaging Professional Associations in COVID-19 Response (L. Oyiengo, Kenya MOH)735.02 KB
Event Materials | English | Nigeria | 2020

Integration Workshop Documentation Slide Deck and Report

Slide deck and report from the Nigeria January Integration Workshop, held on January 21-22.

Integration Workshop_Documentation Slides.pdf8.57 MBNigeria Integration Workshop Report_Final 02.17.2020.pdf1.18 MB
Report | English, French | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 2020

Final Report: Re-imagining TA for MNCH & HSS in DRC Process

En souscrivant aux Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD), la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a pris l’engagement de renforcer son système de santé fragile pour permettre de prestations des services de qualité et accessibles, particulièrement celles dévolues aux femmes, nouveau-nés, enfants et adolescents ainsi que l’amélioration de leur statut nutritionnel afin d’obtenir une réduction sensible et durable des taux de décès rapportés ces dernières décennies.

Final Report: Re-imagining TA for MNCH & HSS in DRC Process- French2.05 MBFinal Report: Re-imagining TA for MNCH & HSS in DRC Process- English1.01 MB
Action Plan | English, French | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 2020

Re-imagining TA in DRC: Roadmap and Blueprint for Change

From the March 2020 Integration workshop: diagrams in French and English of the Re-imagining TA in DRC: Roadmap and Blueprint.

Re-imagining TA in DRC Roadmap over Blueprint-English.pdf2.15 MBVisualisation de la feuille de route sur le parcours de l'AT.pdf594.8 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

Medic Mobile & the CHT: COVID-19 Response (Medic Mobile, 2020)

Presentation made during the May 7, 2020 Child Health & COVID-19 webinar, on Medic Mobile's COVID-19 Response, including that use and adaptation of the Community Health Toolkit (CHT).

Medic Mobile & the CHT: COVID-19 Response (Medic Mobile, 2020)5.86 MB
Presentation | English | 2020

Community-based Health Care in the Context of COVID-19 (IFRC, WHO, UNICEF)

Presentation made during the May 7, 2020 Child Health & COVID-19 webinar, on the newly released guidance from IFRC, WHO, and UNICEF, Community-based health care, including outreach and campaigns, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Community-based Health Care in the Context of COVID-19 (IFRC, WHO, UNICEF)2.48 MB
Report | English | 2020

Synthesis of Findings on Integrated Packages for Child Health Services (Friedman & Wolfheim, JSI/CHTF)

This paper highlights issues to consider when integrating policies and interventions for child health and development, in particular newborn care, nutrition, and activities beyond survival to help children thrive, including but not limited to early childhood development (ECD).

Synthesis of Findings on Integrated Packages for Child Health Services (Friedman & Wolfheim, JSI/CHTF)431.23 KB
Guide | English | 2020

External Guidance on Private Sector Engagement for COVID-19 Response (USAID)

This document was released on April 21, 2020 and outlines USAID's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the private sector role in the response, and how the private sector can engage with USAID to support the immediate health response and second-order impact engagement.

External Guidance on Private Sector Engagement for COVID-19 Response (USAID)67.24 KB
Presentation | English | Pakistan, Bangladesh | 2020

Child Health & COVID-19 Response: Bangladesh, Pakistan (iSci Subgroup)

Presentation from the first webinar in the Child Health & COVID-19 Response Series on April 23, 2020, featuring experiences from Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Child Health & COVID-19 Response: Bangladesh, Pakistan (iSci Subgroup)3.3 MB
Event Materials | English | 2020

Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia Declaration (Save the Children, UNICEF, EBC) - January 2020

Declaration from the attendees of the Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia, which took plan January 29-31, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.

Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia Declaration (Save the Children, UNICEF, EBC) - January 2020145.34 KB
Event Materials | English | 2020

Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia Brochure (Save the Children, UNICEF, EBC - 2020)

An informational brochure on the burden of childhood pneumonia, provided at the Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia which was held January 29-31, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.

Global Forum on Childhood Pneumonia Brochure (Save the Children, UNICEF, EBC - 2020) 533.2 KB
Presentation | French | Kenya, Senegal, Zambia | 2020

Analyse du paysage « survivre, s’épanouir, et transformer » (Friedman-Wolfheim, MCSP) - Fév 2020

Cette présentation, Analyse du paysage des interventions « survivre, s’épanouir, et transformer » pour les enfants, a été présentée par Cathy Wolfheim pendant un webinaire le 10 février 2020.

Analyse du paysage « survivre, s’épanouir, et transformer » (Friedman-Wolfheim, MCSP) - Fév 20202 MB
English | 2020

QoC Subgroup Terms of Reference (Child Health Task Force, 2020)

Terms of Reference finalized in February 2020 for the Quality of Care Subgroup of the Child Health Task Force. 

QoC Subgroup Terms of Reference (Child Health Task Force, 2020)194.8 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

Overview Presentation - LENA Research Foundation (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 2020

Presentation by the LENA Research Foundation to the Digital Health & Innovations Subgroup during their meeting on January 23, 2020.

Overview Presentation - LENA Research Foundation (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 20202.93 MB
Presentation | English | 2020

mNurturingCare-Medic Mobile (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 2020

Presentation from Medic Mobile to the Digital Health & Innovations Subgroup on January 23, 2020. The presentation focused on Medic Mobile's work on the mNurturingCare application - a digital community health tool to implement nurturing care for ECD at scale. 

mNurturingCare-Medic Mobile (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 20202.2 MB
Presentation | English | Kenya | 2020

mNurturingCare-PATH (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 2020

Presentation from Matthew Frey, Direction, Global Integrated ECD/Nurturing Care Program, at PATH to the Digital Health & Innovations Subgroup on January 23, 2020. The presentation focused on PATH's work on the mNurturingCare application - a digital community health tool to implement nurturing care for ECD at scale. It also included information on the pilot of the application in Siaya and Nairobi counties, Kenya.

mNurturingCare-PATH (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 2020620.28 KB
Presentation | English | Tanzania | 2020

Improving ECD in Zanzibar-D.Tree (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 2020

Presentation by Allyson Nelson, Program Manager for D.Tree International in Zanzibar, Tanzania, to the Digital Health & Innovations Subgroup on January 23, 2020. In partnership with the Government of Zanzibar, D.Tree designed the first national community health program, supported by a digital health system. The presentation focuses on their effort in improving early childhood development with the aid of technology in communities and households throughout Zanzibar.

Improving ECD in Zanzibar-D.Tree (DH Subgroup) - January 23, 20202.24 MB
Presentation | English | 2020

2019 Membership Pulse Check Survey Results Presentation

Presentation slides from January 14, 2020 membership-wide meeting to discuss the results of a survey sent to members in June 2019 to solicit feedback on the Task Force's progress, the subgroups they have participated in within the last six months, and ideas for future activities.

2019 Membership Pulse Check Survey Results Presentation361.77 KB