
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

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English | 2020

Quality of Care Subgroup End of Year Letter 2020

This letter sent by the co-chairs of the Quality of Care subgroup to Task Force members on December 15, 2020 highlights accomplishments from 2020 and priorities for 2021. 

Quality of Care Subgroup End of Year Letter 2020228.96 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

2020 Membership Pulse Check Survey Results Presentation

Presentation slides from the Child Health Task Force Membership Meeting on December 15, 2020. The presentation included a summary of results from the 2020 Membership Pulse Check Survey, discussion questions to gather more feedback from members, and a tutorial of the website. You can read the full report for the 2020 Membership Pulse Check Survey here.

2020 Membership Pulse Check Survey Results Presentation1003.68 KB
Report | English | 2020

COVID-19 and Fragile Settings: UHC2030 Policy Brief - December, 2020

This policy brief was developed by UHC2030 International Health Partnership's Fragile Settings Technical Working Group and published in December, 2020. The paper presents: 1. Global guidance on COVID-19 response strategies that should be adapted to context-specific and evolving needs in fragile settings, 2. An urgent call to protect funding for health in fragile settings, 3. Six emergent lessons to enhance COVID-19 response and recovery in fragile settings. 

COVID-19 and Fragile Settings: UHC2030 Policy Brief - December, 2020484.73 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

Child Health Redesign Webinar Presentation (WHO & UNICEF) - December 9, 2020

Presentation slides for the WHO Child Health Redesign Webinar hosted by the Child Health Task Force on December 9, 2020. Presenters included Wilson Were (Medical Officer, Child Health Services, WHO), Valentina Baltag (Team Lead, Adolescent and Young Adult Health, WHO), Anayda Portela (Technical Officer, Maternal Health, WHO), and Anne Detjen (Health Specialist, UNICEF).

Child Health Redesign Webinar Presentation (WHO & UNICEF) - December 9, 20205.53 MB
Report | English | 2020

2020 Membership Pulse Check Survey: Summary of Results

This report summarizes the results of a survey sent to members in August 2020 to solicit feedback on the Task Force's progress, the subgroups they have participated in within the last six months, and ideas for future activities.

2020 Membership Pulse Check Survey: Summary of Results711.48 KB
Presentation | English | India | 2020

BHC Webinar Presentation: Participatory Systems Mapping (Pomeroy-Stevens, JSI) - December 1, 2020

This presentation on Participatory Systems Mapping: Implications for Improving Urban Maternal and Child Outcomes Webinar was made by Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, Project Director, Building Healthy Cities (BHC), JSI on December 1, 2020. The slides were presented at the Child Health Task Force webinar featuring the BHC project. 

BHC Webinar Presentation: Participatory Systems Mapping (Pomeroy-Stevens, JSI) - December 1, 20202.87 MB
English | 2020

Archive of Journal Articles on COVID-19 & Child Health

This resource includes a list of all the articles related to the impact of COVID-19 on child health shared by the Child Health Task Force since April, 2020. You can access the full text version of any article by clicking on the title. These articles include those currently and previously posted on our resource page: Understanding Child Health in the Context of COVID-19 as well as relevant publications sent via the Child Health Task Force Biweekly Journal Digest. 

Archive of Journal Articles on COVID-19 & Child Health75.87 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

Presentation on WHO Strategy to Engage the Private Health Service Delivery Sector (WHO & Impact for Health, 2020) - PSE Subgroup Webinar, November 19, 2020

Presentation made by David Clarke (Institutions practice lead, WHO HQ) and Barbara OHanlon (Private sector expert and member of the WHO Advisory Group on the governance of the private sector). Webinar hosted by the Private Sector Engagement (PSE) subgroup of the Child Health Task Force on engaging the private health service delivery sector through governance in mixed health systems on November 19, 2020. 

Presentation on WHO Strategy to Engage the Private Health Service Delivery Sector (WHO & Impact for Health, 2020) - PSE Subgroup3.59 MB
Guide | English | Zambia | 2020

COVID-19 Guidelines for Schools, Republic of Zambia, Ministry of General Education

The Republic of Zambia's Ministry of General Education COVID-19 Guidelines for Schools, developed by Healthy Learners Zambia, May 2020. 

COVID-19 Guidelines for Schools, Republic of Zambia, Ministry of General Education (May 2020)2.07 MB
Meeting Minutes | English | 2020

CHEHS Meeting Notes - November 10, 2020

Meeting notes from the Child Health in Emergencies and Humanitarian Settings Subgroup meeting on November 10, 2020. 

CHEHS Meeting Notes - November 10, 202076.45 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

CHEHS Meeting Presentation - November 10, 2020

Presentation slides for the Child Health in Emergencies and Humanitarian Settings Subgroup meeting on November 10, 2020. Facilitated by co-chair Nureyan Zunong (Save the Children), featuring presentations by Ralf Moreno Garcia (Health in Emergencies Specialist) and Dr. Gagan Gupta (MNH Health Specialist, UNICEF) on the disruption of health services during COVID-19 with a focus on emergency-context countries. 

CHEHS Subgroup Meeting Presentation (Zunong & UNICEF) - November 10, 20201.47 MB
Meeting Minutes | English | 2020

iCCM Subgroup Meeting Notes - November 9, 2020

Notes from the Institutionalizing iCCM Subgroup Meeting held on November 9, 2020 and facilitated by co-chair Anne Linn. The minutes reflect the discussion on three proposed workstreams for the subgroup. 

iCCM Subgroup Meeting Notes - November 9, 202073 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

iCCM Subgroup Meeting Presentation - November 9, 2020

Presentation slides for the Institutionalizing iCCM Subgroup Meeting hosted November 9, 2020 and facilitated by co-chair Anne Linn (USAID). The presentation discusses the subgroup's goals and objectives, proposed workstreams for 2021, and an update from the iCCM Task Team on work in countries. 

iCCM Subgroup Meeting Presentation - November 9, 2020809.65 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

Presentation on SHOPS Plus CHNRI Exercise (USAID, BU, & Abt Associates, 2020) - PSE Subgroup Webinar, October 30, 2020

Presentation slides for the SHOPS Plus project, USAID, and Boston University collaborated Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) Exercise. Hosted by the Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Subgroup of the Child Health Task Force, the webinar featured presentations by Catherine Clarence, Tess Shiras, and David Hamer, followed by a Q&A. The presentation was given on October 29, 2020. 

Presentation on SHOPS Plus CHNRI Exercise (USAID, BU, & Abt Associates, 2020) - PSE Subgroup Webinar, October 30, 20203.11 MB
Presentation | English | 2020

Digital Tools for COVID-19 (Muhereza & Agarwal, 2020) - Digital Health Subgroup Webinar Presentation

Presentation slides from the Digital Tools for COVID-19 Case Management and Contact Tracing Webinar on October 28, 2020. Hosted by the Digital Health & Innovations subgroup of the Child Health Task Force, the webinar featured presentations by Alex Muhereza: UNICEF Digital Health Expert and Dr. Smisha Agarwal: Research Director of Johns Hopkins Global mHealth Initiative. 

Digital Tools for COVID-19 (Muhereza & Agarwal, 2020) - Digital Health Subgroup Webinar Presentation3.12 MB
Presentation | English | Ethiopia | 2020

COVID-19 & Ethiopia Experience (Zelalem, 2020)

Presentation by Dr. Meseret Zelalem (Maternal, Child & Nutrition Directorate Director, Ethiopia MoH) for the 9th webinar in the Understanding Child Health in the Context of COVID-19 Series, titled Continuing Essential Health Services During the Pandemic: Ethiopia's Experience. The webinar was held on October 13, 2020, and also featured Dr. Bizuhan Gelaw Birhanu (Health Specialist, UNICEF Ethiopia) and Dr. Binyam Fekadu Desta, (Deputy Chief of Party, USAID Transform Ethiopia). The session was facilitated by Dr. Hibret A Tilahun (Director, Ethiopia Data Use Partnership).

Child Health & COVID-19 Series #9: Ethiopia Experience Presentation (Zelalem, 2020)2.36 MB
Presentation | English | India, Kenya, United States | 2020

CH & COVID-19 Webinar Series #8 (V. Krishnamurthy, S. Wamithi, and S. Goza) - iSci Subgroup - October 1, 2020

Presentation slides for the 8th webinar in the Child Health Task Force's Child Health & COVID-19 Series. Hosted by the Implementation Science Subgroup, "A Global Perspective on the Impact of COVID-19 on Child Education and Development" featured presentations by Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy, Dr. Susan Wamithi and Dr. Sally Goza. The speakers shared their experiences and lessons learned about caring and continuing education for children with disabilities and their families during the pandemic from India, Kenya, and the United States respectively.

CH & COVID-19 Webinar Series #8 (V. Krishnamurthy, S. Wamithi, and S. Goza) - iSci Subgroup - October 1, 20204.22 MB
Presentation | English | Uganda | 2020

Presentation on Adolescent Health & Alcohol Use (Monica Swahn, 2020) - PSE Subgroup Webinar, September 30, 2020

Presentation slides for the Private Sector Engagement Subgroup Webinar on adolescent health titled: "Partnerships to Protect Adolescents: Dr. Swahn on addressing alcohol use in a global context," held on September 30, 2020. Dr. Monica Swahn, professor at Georgia State University School of Public Health, presents her work in Uganda, enabled by NGO-academic partnerships, and shares data on the harms and trends associated with adolescent alcohol use globally. 

Presentation on Adolescent Health & Alcohol Use (Monica Swahn, 2020) - PSE Subgroup Webinar, September 30, 20205.09 MB
Meeting Minutes | English | 2020

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - September 2&3 2020

Notes from the bi-annual Child Health Task Force Steering Committee virtual meeting held on September 2 and 3, 2020.

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - September 2&3 2020159.02 KB
Presentation | English | 2020

Advantage of Integrated Models in COVID-19 Response (Healthy Learners, 2020) - Re-imagining Subgroup Webinar Presentation

Presentation from the webinar "The Advantage of Integrated Models in the Response to COVID-19: A practical example from Zambia" hosted by Re-imagining the Package of Care Subgroup on September 29, 2020. The webinar featured Healthy Learners from Zambia, presenting lessons learned from their school-based community health program and its impact during the COVID-19 pandemic and re-opening of schools. Other speakers included Pascale Wagner, PCI Guatemala Country Director, and Oya Afsar, Health Specialist UNICEF NY/HQ.

Advantage of Integrated Models in COVID-19 Response (Healthy Learners, 2020) - Re-imagining Subgroup Webinar Presentation6.08 MB