
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

If you have resources related to child health programming that you would like to share through the Child Health Task Force, please reach out through our Contact Us page.

We recommend searching for an author (by name) if you are looking for a specific report. You may also use the filters to refine your search by country, language, etc.

Nigeria |

Poster on Child Healthcare in Niger - (UNICEF)

Poster entirely in French on child healthcare in Niger. 

Poster on Child Healthcare in Niger - (UNICEF)1.72 MB
Presentation |

Advocacy for Communities: Diarrhea and Pneumonia in Children Presentation - (Abt Associates)

Presentation gives background about diarrhea and pneumonia and advocates for low-cost and highly effective ways to prevent the diseases in children.  

Advocacy for Communities Diarrhea and Pneumonia in Children Presentation - (Abt-Associates)346.07 KB
Report |

Alive & Thrive: Strategies for Improving Infant & Young Child Feeding Practices

Document provides the strategies for Alive & Thrive’s overarching model to improve infant and child feeding.

Alive & Thrive: Strategies for Improving Infant & Young Child Feeding Practices246.35 KB
Presentation | Sudan |

iCCM South Sudan Presentation

This World Vision presentation discusses the importance of integrated community case management. It focuses on the importance of community-based supervision research such as lack of documentation and community health workers.


iCCM South Sudan Presentation1.22 MB
Report |

Nutrition Subgroup Study Results (CCM Task Force)

Brief report by the Nutrition Subgroup, formerly of the CCM Task Force, which provides results of a 30-question action plan survey on nutrition and integrated community case management.


Nutrition Subgroup Study Results (CCM Task Force)159.88 KB
Tool | English |

iCCM Costing Tool Comparison Matrix

This document is an integrated community case management costing tool comparison matrix Excel spreadsheet.

iCCM Costing Tool Comparison Matrix18.72 KB
Report |

Strategies for Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices - Alive and Thrive

This document details Alive & Thrive's model for sustainable improvements in breastfeeding and complementary feeding. It gives strategies such as improving policy and regulatory environments regarding the issue.


Strategies for Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices - Alive and Thrive246.35 KB
Report | Rwanda |

iCCM of Acute Malnutrition Into Child Survival Programs (Concern Worldwide)

This document discusses Concern Worldwide's experience of integrated community case management of acute malnutrition in childhood survival programs in Rwanda. 

iCCM of Acute Malnutrition Into Child Survival Programs (Concern Worldwide)504.89 KB
Rawanda |

Fiche de Requisition Communautaire (Rawanda)

Healthcare chart produced by the Republic of Rawanda's Ministry of Health.  

Fiche de Requisition Communautaire (Rawanda)470.37 KB

Supply Chain Management for Integrated Community Case Management

This poster shows the supply chain management cycle for integrated community case management. It delves into the procurement, transportation, and storage of health products in the community.


Supply Chain Management for Integrated Community Case Management2.71 MB
Report |

Global Indicators Chart - CCM Task Force

This document shows the global indicators chart produced by the CCM Task Force.

Global Indicators Chart - CCM Task Force132.7 KB
Report |

Country Indicators Chart - CCM Task Force

This document shows the integrated community case management country indicators chart produced by the CCM Task Force.

Country Indicators Chart - CCM Task Force354.94 KB
Presentation | Uganda |

Drug shops and integrated community case management in Uganda_Dr. Phyllis Awor

This presentation by Dr. Phyllis Awor details the care-seeking and role of drug shops in health care in Uganda. It also looks at the importance of drug shops and integrated community case management in the country, and their appropriateness of care and adherence to treatment guidelines. 

Drug shops and integrated community case management in Uganda_Dr. Phyllis Awor1.61 MB
Tool |

Indicator Scoring

Excel spreadsheet showing indicator scoring for human resources, supply chain logistics, reporting, referrals, and service delivery information. 

Indicator Scoring346.34 KB
Presentation | English | Rwanda |

Waste Management at Community Level: Rwanda Experience (O. Wane, RBC) - Presentation

A presentation, providing an overview on waste management at the community level in Rwanda and the integral role of CHWs.

Waste Management at Community Level - Rwanda Experience (O. Wane, RBC).pdf542.22 KB
Presentation | English | Madagascar |

Waste Management and Protection of the Environment at Community Level (T. Razanajatovo et al.) - Mikolo Project Presentation

This presentation gives an overview of iCCM implemented in Madagascar by the Ministry of Health in partnership with NGOs, in particular a waste management and protection of the environment project.

Waste Management and Protection of the Environment at Community Level (T. Razanajatovo et al.).pdf706.95 KB
Tool | English |

iCCM Gap Analysis Tool (English)

This resource is an excel-based tool that helps to show the gap between the need and what is financed to reach the targeted iCCM coverage for a population. 

iCCM Gap Analysis Tool (English)62.02 KB
English |

Nutrition Monitoring Guidance (C. Hayashi, UNICEF)

This document describes the current guidance documents that exist in the area of nutrition monitoring and the project UNICEF is working on with partners to develop a set of standard data elements, indicators, and visualization tools using routine data to support more frequent nutrition program tracking and review. 

Nutrition Monitoring Guidance (C. Hayashi, UNICEF)8.73 KB
Event Materials | English |

Advantages of Integrating Malaria Case Management and iCCM (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Advantages of Integrating Malaria Case Management and iCCM (English) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 20161.03 MB
Event Materials | French |

Advantages of Integrating Malaria Case Management and iCCM (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 2016

Resource provided at the Scaling up integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in the context of the UNICEF-GFATM Memorandum of Understanding workshop, which took place February 16-18, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Advantages of Integrating Malaria Case Management and iCCM (French) - Nairobi iCCM Meeting 20161.16 MB